Friday, September 9, 2011

Cataclysm Leveling Zones: Revolutionary Gold Addon


The Tycoon Gold Guide is one of Manaview’s latest inventions and improvement to the Cataclysm Leveling Zones . It’s a new in-game gold addon that claims to automate the most powerful gold strategies in the game leading to an increase in gold income of about 500%. It helps transform ‘gold making’ into a fun, quick, and immensely profitable experience. It makes Cataclysm Leveling Zones easy and fast.
This is something WoW players have been waiting for since Vanilla and it has the power to completely change the way we make gold.

So, does Tycoon live up to the hype? I’ve received a copy, used it for a week, and will give you my honest review of the Gold Addon in respect to it's importance to Cataclysm Leveling Zones here.

*Does it work?

I’ll get straight to what you want to know. Does Tycoon really work?

Yes, it absolutely works!

They claim you can make 230% more gold by using Tycoon. I found this to be a conservative number. I personally used the addon for several days now and I’ve always managed to open my mailbox to over 500%-700% more gold than I normally get using the exact same strategies by myself.

*How Tycoon Works

The idea is simple, yet incredibly powerful.

Manaview took the best gold strategies in the game and made an addon that automates the difficult or most time consuming parts of the strategy. Since it’s automated, it basically means they optimized the strategy so you’re more efficient in doing it, resulting in about 5x more gold than you would normally get.  Cataclysm Leveling Zones are much more easily attained now
The 5 current strategies included are Gathering, Grinding/Farming, Crafting, Auction House Playing, and Dailies. This is 95% of all gold making strategies used by the WoW community, so almost nothing is left out.

The addon intelligently studies your server’s economy and shows you things like:
- Exactly what gold strategy will make you the most money
- What item will make you the most money based on its calculations
- The best way to get that item by giving you things like, optimized gathering routes or hot farming locations.
- It knows if too many people are using that strategy and will often times tells you to get an item with no competition but high in demand. This means you’re the only one getting that particular item because there’s no competition, resulting in getting more of them. And there is high demand meaning you can sell it for super high prices.

*Detailed Walkthrough

When you startup Tycoon, the first thing you need to do is scan the Auction House to help Tycoon learn your economy. This is super quick and done with a click of a button. This is similar to Auctioneer but it’s a much quicker scan that takes no more than 30 seconds to complete.

When the scan is complete Tycoon has enough information to do its magic. A window will appear with lists of items ordered from top to bottom by how much Tycoon believes you will make, per hour, if you go for that item.

I’m impressed with how accurately Tycoon is able to give you solid advice on which items will make you the most money.

Often times, items that you never thought would make you the most gold per hour will appear at the top of the list. That’s where Tycoon really comes in handy. It has the ability to scan through an enormous amount of data that would take a human several hours to figure out. People usually skip past the economy studying part and just go straight for the highest level items, but with Tycoon you’ll discover those aren’t always the items that will make you the most gold per hour. Gold making and gold strategy balled in one!

It knows your economy better than a human ever can, it knows if the market is inflated and knows when there’s too much competition. If situations aren’t right to go for one item, Tycoon will give you another one. It’s a good feeling to know you’re always doing the strategy that makes you the most gold possible at that point in time.

Tycoon does more than just tell you the best way to make the most gold. It shows you! Thus making
Cataclysm Leveling Zones faster and easier.If Tycoon tells me to mine say, Cobalt ore, all you need to do is click the “Show me routes” button and it will give you highly optimized mining routes. This creates ant trails around your which guide you over the most populated mining node locations. This feature is great and allowed me to double the amount of ore I typically get mining by myself.

This was an awesome feature added to the Gold Strategy Gathering Module and I can’t go over all the features in this short review. But all 5 Strategy Modules have some kind of special feature that helps you get the most of that item in the shortest amount of time!


I could only find one bad thing about Tycoon.

Sometimes Tycoon will put an item at the top of the Most Profitable list which isn’t in very high demand. It does show you the “demand” of the item is low though. So, as long as you pay attention to that and don’t go for any items that are low in demand, you should be able to quickly sell it. Otherwise, if you don’t mind waiting, you will still sell it eventually.


Tycoon is a truly revolutionary product that is going to change Gold Making forever. Once you’ve used Tycoon, attempting to play without it will be nearly impossible. Try moving through Cataclysm Leveling Zones without it.  Slow and lot's of times, unsuccessful.
The Gold addon is beautiful and has very few bugs for a new product. With the data, tools, and special features of this addon, it is very hard NOT to make more gold using it.

They have gone above and beyond everything you will need to make 500% more gold per hour, or more. Every aspect of the gold strategies included has been enhanced by helpful data or features to help you do it better and faster.

Everything you can possibly need to become a true gold tycoon is right here in this brilliant gold addon by Manaview.

So, if you’re looking to make more gold – a LOT more gold – I highly recommend checking out the Tycoon Gold Making Guide. It is by far the best way to make the most gold possible in the shortest amount of time. Thus, making moving through Cataclysm Leveling Zones superfast.

At Long Last! A Cataclysm Gold Add-on

At Long Last! A Cataclysm Gold Add-on

Whether you’re here to get your hands on a great druid leveling spec gold addon or just discover what the most successful players use to dominate WoW. A few things are quite well known. Worldwide, there are 10 million people or so playing World of Warcraft. If you want to play seriously too then you should want to know, in addition to getting the best druid leveling spec, how to create large piles of gold as quickly as possible in WoW and you can be sure that you’re checking out the right article, because I will tell you a method of earning over 200 gold an hour and if that’s not good enough for you, I might even share with you one of the biggest secrets on making gold in WoW, a secret that might make you even as much as 1000 gold an hour.
So, how do I make gold fast in WoW? If you really want to learn how to create gold fast in WoW then you should know that there are many methods to earn yourself some gold, and your total earnings per hour are totally dependent on applying the correct techniques. A very widely known avenue by players is called the Auction House or AH or auctioneer method.
The principle of this method goes like this: buy low, sell high. There are 3 simple steps to follow if you want to have success using this method:
1. Research the Auction House; (if you don’t already know it pretty well)
2. Buy a hot item – that has a high demand rate – for a low or lower price
3. Then you resell the item – with a higher price – making you good profit.
1. In this step you need to observe the Auction House and decide which items are selling like water in the desert. It’s ideal to find items that are in sought after even if the buyers knows it’s overpriced, because it means that the item is rare and advantageous to players. They will pay just about anything for said items.
You probably already understand how the other 2 steps work, so now I would like to reveal the secret: There are a handful of players who have developed their own guides and their own gold creating techniques. The one I use was made by someone who has really spent some time researching some super techniques. This guide is so new and powerful that I learned from it how to make up to 1000 gold an hour or more in some cases. If your goal is similar to my own, you want to enjoy the game on a whole new level.  I suggest to get this guide because, not only it will help the way you play the game but it will also improve your game playing experience, all without using cheats or hacks that will get your account banned.
As I came to realize, the internet is full of mediocre WoW gold products.  I have already fully researched the top 3 of these guides and have figured out through application which of these is the best and the hands down winner isn’t even another useless guide. It’s actually a full fledged WoW add-on program. I have included a link over on the right sidebar and a link below this article to get this super WoW gold add-on. This one was the best because it was easy to follow, extremely effective, and always keeping you current on new game changes and techniques to take advantage of and it does some things on its own that couldn’t be done before.
Attention! —-> The first actual wow gold Add-on is changing things forever for people who are using it! Just Click the link below to get your own copy at a special promotional discount price today!